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CROSSWORD 14102018
A detective asks a woman, „So, your husband hanged himself?“ Woman replies, „Yes, that is correct.“ The suspicious detective continues, „But why does he have all those bruises on his head?“ „The …Crossword!"
Published: 13. 10. 2018
CROSSWORD 16092018
I'll tell you what I love doing more than anything: trying to pack myself in a small suitcase. …Crossword.
Published: 15. 9. 2018
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CROSSWORD 12082018
My wife accused me of being immature…Crossword.
Published: 11. 8. 2018
CROSSWORD 05082018
The boating store was having a big sale on canoes. …Crossword.
Published: 4. 8. 2018
CROSSWORD 29072018
A patient says, „Doctor, last night I made a Freudian slip. I was having dinner with my mother-in-law and wanted to say: ‚Could you please pass the butter?‘ But instead I said: 'You silly cow, you …Crossword.“
Published: 28. 7. 2018