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CROSSWORD 23072018
A man says to his friend, “I haven't spoken to my wife in 18 months.” The friend says, “Why not?” The man says, “…Crossword.”
Published: 22. 7. 2018
CROSSWORD 15072018
My dog used to chase people on a bike a lot. It got so bad, finally …Crossword.
Published: 14. 7. 2018
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CROSSWORD 24062018
Man: Your body is like a temple. Woman: Sorry, …Crossword.
Published: 23. 6. 2018
CROSSWORD 17062018
Q: Why did the librarian get kicked off the plane? A: …Crossword.
Published: 16. 6. 2018
CROSSWORD 10062018
At the doctor's office, Tom was getting a check up. „I have good news and bad news,“ says the doctor. „The good news is you have 24 hours left to live.“ Tom replies, „That's the good news?!“ Then the doctor says, „The bad news is I should …Crossword.“
Published: 9. 6. 2018