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crossword 10102016
Why are women’s breasts like a train set a kid gets at Christmas time? Because they were originally made for children …Crossword.
Published: 9. 10. 2016
crossword 03102016
Q: What do politicians and diapers have in common? A: Both should be changed …Crossword.
Published: 2. 10. 2016
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crossword 26092016
Q: What did the DNA say to the other DNA? A: …Crossword.
Published: 25. 9. 2016
crossword 19092016
Q: Why did President Obama get two terms? A: Because every …Crossword.
Published: 18. 9. 2016
crossword 12092016
A 3 years old boy sits near a pregnant woman. Boy: Why do you look so fat? Pregnant woman: I have a baby inside me. Boy: Is it a good baby? Pregnant woman: Yes, it is a very good baby. Boy:…Crossword?!
Published: 11. 9. 2016